Monday, September 16, 2019


Here are some delightful recordings from Nava Tehila:

~ Sham'ah Va-tismach (Psalm 97: 8)  As befits the lyrics (which are all in the feminine in Hebrew), all of the singers of this particular song are women.  (Audio only.)

~  Oseh Shalom (live-performance video).  My husband and I first heard this at a recent Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv service at my old "kaddish minyan."

~ Halleluyah (audio only)

Want to jazz things up a bit?  Here's a good song from Noah AronsonEileh Chamdah Libi

I like Elana Arian's L'cha Dodi so much that I've borrowed the melody for use as Adon Olam at our shul.

And here's Chava Mirel's Achat Sha'alti, from the special psalm recited at the end of every Shacharit (Morning) and Maariv/Arvit (Evening) Service during the month of Elul.  In this version, she sings in three-part harmony all by herself.  (Would that I had the tech skills to create a split-screen video.)  And here, for people like me who get so distracted by lovely harmonies that we have trouble learning the melody :), is the melody-only version, so that we can learn it.  :)



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